viernes, 9 de julio de 2021

Post 6: How can your major make the world a better place.

 The geography has a high impact in the world because it allows us to relate to each other as a society and also to the environment, so that to understand and analyze the different territories from their political, socia, economic and scientific characteristics. About what one can do as a geographer may be participate in a territorial planification from the citys or in studies of environmental assessment or natural risk who could affect the people and the ecosystems in general.

Tha charasteristic mentiones make the geography one usefull tool for the world and also for the prevention of potential natural risk as constructions in sites sith hydrological antecedents the climate change and how it affects the ecosystems, so it also serves us as a society to elaborate plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions that are accelerating the climate process.

1 comentario:

  1. I love geography because it is a career that cares a lot about the environment as you describe, I am very happy to read this because I can tell that you love it too.


Post 8: A subject you've enjoyed studying this semester.

 This first semester I've had a lot of subjects that I liked because almost it all adress topic that I found very interesting, but there...